Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Statistics • COVID-19 response

IABD Coronavirus traffic congestion impact dashboard

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As part of its response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) has launched a Coronavirus Impact Dashboard to track the real-time impact of the coronavirus on countries in the region. The dashboard tracks a range of variables in order to provide Latin American and Caribbean policymakers, epidemiologists, and the general public with measures of the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on people’s behavior and economic activity.

The first release of the dashboard includes daily data on infection cases and deaths as well as proxies for social distancing such as changes in the intensity of traffic congestion and the use of public transportation. As the crisis evolves, IADB will be continuously updating the data and adding variables to help understand and combat the impact of the coronavirus in the region.

IADB has made available the source data and code of this dashboard on a publit Git repository, including a detailed methodological note. A more complete description of the dashboard is available here.

IADB's coronavirus impact dashboard.